Category: Company, News, Wordpress Comments: 0

Our CEO Chris was a guest on the Agency Owner Podcast and answered questions about WordPress and Typo3 and compared the two systems in an interview.

Conclusion comparison WordPress vs Typo3

Compared to Typo3, WordPress still has the reputation of being just a small blogging CMS. But this has not been the case for a long time. You can now implement almost any type of website with WordPress. Typo3, on the other hand, is still mostly used in the enterprise segment. However, the cost-benefit factor of WordPress is still significantly lower than that of Typo3.

Ultimately, however, as is so often the case, it's all down to personal preference. Some people love WordPress and others love Typo3.

For us, WordPress is the clear winner in a direct comparison. WordPress is cheaper to implement, easier to use and set up and there are significantly more plugins, themes and help than with Typo3.

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